Rarely: A Social Media Revolution for Genuine Human Connection

In a world drowning in corporate algorithms, intrusive ads, and shallow engagement, we believe there's a better way. Rarely is designed for real, meaningful connections, where privacy is protected, authenticity thrives, and your voice matters. We're creating digital spaces that amplify conversations and protect your data, free from the manipulative tactics of mainstream platforms. A social media driven by principles, not profits.

About Rarely

Rarely was born out of a shared frustration with the current state of social media, dominated by algorithms that prioritize profit over people, invasive data practices, and empty interactions. Our mission is to build a platform that values human connection, privacy, and genuine conversations over everything else. We envision Rarely as more than a tool, it's a movement towards thoughtful and meaningful connections.

Our team is dedicated to reshaping the way people connect online by placing humanity at the forefront of technology. We reject corporate greed, invasive tracking, and engagement-at-any-cost strategies. Instead, we prioritize genuine connections in a space that remains exclusive, forever.

About Us

We're a small but passionate team of engineers, united by our vision to build a better social media experience. Rarely isn't backed by big tech or corporate investors; it's driven by our own funds and dedication to creating something meaningful.
With a shared goal and a lot of coffee, we're here to build Rarely for those who want more from their social media.

Our Core Principles

We're not here to follow the crowd or to chase the latest trends in tech. Rarely is built with a focus on transparency, integrity, and respect for our users. We're committed to evolving the platform in ways that serve the community's best interests, not just our bottom line. Here are the core principles that guide everything we do:

A More Human Social Media

Rarely redefines online interactions. Here, likes and shares exist, but only in a way that deepens engagement. Before liking a post, you'll need to contribute your thoughts in a reply. It's about sparking conversations, not just clicking buttons. Also, we've removed follower counts and metrics that fuel unhealthy comparisons. It's all about real conversations without the loops designed to trap you in endless scrolling.

Exclusive, Forever

Rarely isn't for everyone, and that's by design. Our invite-only model ensures a high-quality community, one where your voice is heard, and your privacy is respected. This is a space for those seeking deeper conversations, away from the clutter of spam and meaningless content. While every member is thoughtfully selected, the application process is straightforward, designed to welcome those who share our vision.

No Tracking, No Ads, Forever

Your data is your own. We don't sell it, track it, or use it to target you with ads. With Rarely, you can be confident that your online interactions are private and secure. We believe your digital footprint should belong to you, not to corporations, which is why we will never compromise on your privacy.

Open Algorithms

Unlike other platforms, we believe that algorithms should serve you, not manipulate you. Our main feed is chronological by default, but we empower you to easily create custom feeds that reflect your unique interests. The days of engineered engagement are over.

Human Moderation

We don't rely on AI to moderate our platform, every interaction is overseen by real people. This ensures a safe, respectful space where members can trust that discussions will remain civil, and spam-free. Creating a space where members can trust the quality of conversation.

Transparent Business Model

We don't rely on ads, data sales, or affiliate marketing to sustain Rarely. Instead, Rarely thrives on community support. Once accepted, you'll contribute with a small monthly fee that sustains the platform and keeps it free from ads and corporate influence. That's it, simple and transparent.

Features Designed for and by You

Look forward to tools to make friends, facilitate deeper conversations, to help you take breaks and take care of your mental health, and features to promote authenticity over perfection. Plus, you can actively shape the platform by voting on features and suggesting your own ideas in our exclusive community. Join below to be part of this journey.

Join the Future of Social Media

Be part of a platform designed for real connections, where your voice matters and your privacy is respected. Rarely is leading a new era of social media. One that values authenticity and human interaction above all.

Sign up now to secure your place in a social media revolution, an exclusive, noise-free platform designed for real connections. As a member of our waitlist, you'll get early access to beta testing, join our private community to engage with the development team, vote for features and help shape the future of the platform.